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Mar 11, 2015

Nevus of Ota

(ref: DermQuest)

Nevus of Ota 


  • Nevus of Ota (Oculodermal melanocytosis) is a dermal melanocytic hamartoma that presents in childhood or at adolescence as bluish/slate gray hyperpigmentation along the first or second branch of trigeminal nerve. The pigmentation progressively increases in size and color till puberty

  • Clinically, nevus of Ota presents as a blue or gray patch on the face and is within the distribution of the ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal nerve. The nevus can be unilateral or bilateral, and, in addition to skin, it may involve ocular and oral mucosal surfaces


  • Nevus of Ota and other dermal melanocytic disorders, such as nevus of Ito, blue nevus, and mongolian spots, may represent melanocytes that have not migrated completely from the neural crest to the epidermis during the embryonic stage

Yellow arrow- Melanin and melanocytes in the dermis  (ref:IJDVL)


Nevi of Ota and Ito
Birth/ early adolescence
Blue or gray speckled coalescing macules or patches
·         For nevus of Ota-on forehead, temple, zygomatic, or periorbital areas;
·         For nevus of Ito- the shoulder and upper arm areas
Increased dermal melanocytes
Mongolian spot
Poorly demarcated large blue-to-gray patches that tend to spontaneously resolve by age 3-6 y
Most frequently on lumbosacral areas, buttocks
Increased dermal melanocytes
Blue nevus
Congenital or acquired
Blue papules or plaques
Anywhere on skin
Increased dermal melanocytes
Acquired; may be associated with pregnancy and other estrogen excess stages
Well-to-poorly demarcated and irregularly outlined brown patches
Maxillary and zygomatic areas on face
No increase in dermal melanocytes, presence of melanophages
Ref: Medscape

Note: For photos of Melasma and Mongolian Spots- refer to Earlier Post on " How to Decide Level of Melanin in an MCQ' posted in Feb)

  • Laser surgery is the current treatment of choice for nevi of Ota and Ito. Mongolian spot is self resolving. Q-switched lasers are advised.

Improvement post Q-Switched Laser (Ref: Kar HK, et al.  IJDVL 2011)


Unknown said...

Is Q switched laser and Nd YAG laser one the same things

Dr Saurabh Jindal said...

The complete name of this laser is Q-switched Nd:YG laser

Rahul Ray said...

Sir is the location of their occurance only way to difference between nevi of ito and ota.