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Feb 8, 2015

Common Hair shaft infections

Pediculosis pubis


  • Pthirus pubis or Phthirus pubis 
  • Pubic lice
 Note: As it can involve other hair bearing areas like eyelashes, beard, body; public lice is an inappropriate term. Crab lice infest coarse hair and hence, pubic hair and hair lashes are involved, not silky scalp hairs. Crab lice survive for 2 days without human host

Typically present with pruritus in the pubic region
  • It is a STD
  • Crab lice may be seen clinging to the base of hairs

  • Macula caerulea: Asymptomatic lesions on the trunk and thighs. They are slate-gray to bluish (cerulea= blue) macules. The breakdown of bilirubin to biliverdin by enzymes in louse saliva has been postulated to cause these lesions (PGI question)
Pediculosis pubis (Source: Wikipedia)


  • Permethrin (5% better than 1%). As with head lice, all topical insecticides should be applied on two occasions, 1 week apart to target newly hached eggs
  • Shaving of hair

Pediculosis ciliaris

Infestation of lid margins by the crab louse. 

Note: In Pediculosis capitis, ie infestation by head lice, the lashes are rarely involved 


  • Due to genital-to-eye transmission, possibly on bedding and towels 
  • Madarosis
  • Conjunctival hyperaemia 
  • Superficial punctate keratopathy 
  • Bites leave red inflamed areas on lid margins 

  • Remove lice, nits,casts by forceps 
  • Application of petrolatum jelly to the lid margins will suffocate lice (applied twice daily for at least 2 weeks) 
  • Oral ivermectin on days 1 and 8 can be used 
  • 1% permethrin very carefully on closed eyelids
Pediculosis capitis

  • Infection of the head hair and scalp by the head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis)
  • Common, especially in children
  • Commonest cause for posterior cervical lymphadenitis in children (MCQ)
  • Treatment is 1% permethrin 

Trichomycosis axillaris
  • It is a misnomer (no fungus)
  • Bacterial infection by corynebacterium tenuis (Comedk 2015 question)


(Source: Global skin atlas)


  • Superficial fungal infection of hair shafts. "Piedra" means “stone”, due to the fungal nodules along the hair shaft
  • 2 types – black piedra (caused by Piedra Hortae) and white piedra ( caused by Trichosporon beigelii) (NBE question) 

White piedra (Source: ijdvl)

Black Piedra (Source: ijdvl)

Treatment: Shaving

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nicely put sir.