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Feb 19, 2015

Hypopigmented patch on face- how to decide diagnosis in an MCQ- Important MCQ

A year old girl presents with ill defined hypopigmented patches on cheek with fine scaling. Her mother has a history of asthma. 

The best possible diagnosis is
a) Indeterminate hansens
b) Pityriasis alba
c) Pityriasis versicolor
d) Atopic dermatitis

Ans: b


Pointer words for diagnosis of hypopigmented patch on cheek in children

Look for these phrases-

  • Single/ few hypopigmented patches on cheek with fine scaling.
  • No atrophy.
  • Normal sensations on patch
  • Personal/ family h/o atopy in the questions (eg: asthma, recurrent URTI, etc)
  • Lesions come and go
Pityriasis alba (pityriasis= powder)
  • Single/ Few hypopigmented patches on cheek.
  • No scaling
  • Lesions show mild atrophy
  • Sensations are usually normal
  • Child from endemic areas like Bihar/ UP/ West Bengal,Tamil Nadu, etc
Indeterminate hansens
  • Multiple hypopigmented macules/ patches with scaling on scratching (scratch sign). Usually MCQ will say “multiple lesions on chest and trunk”, sometimes face.
  • Perifollicular hypopigmentation (this word is often present in questions)
  • Can occur in multiple shades of colours (brown/ hypopigmentated/red/pink)
  • Woods lamp-greenish yellow fluorescence. KOH smear positive (spaghetti and meat ball appearance)
  • no h/o atopy in the question
Pityriasis versicolor
  • Depigmented patches with/without leucotrichia (white hair)
  • Depigmented/hypopigmented circular macule over centre of forehead in a female
Leucoderma due to bindi (agent causing it is para-tertiary butyl phenol)


Why not P. versicolor in this MCQ- see pic below ?

Typical pityriasis versicolor
Note the number of lesions. On scratching there will be fine scaling

Typical pityriasis versicolor on face
Note the number of lesions. On scratching there will be fine scaling

Why not Atopic dermatitis?

                                           Typical atopic dermatitis in children (

    Note erythema, oozing and inflammation
 (Atopic dermatitis is itchy, P.alba is not.There is no hypopigmentation in atopic dermatitis)

Also, for diagnosis of atopic dermatitis, these criteria have to be fulfilled: 

Typical Adult atopic dermatitis
Note the erythema, oozing and inflammation in flexure of knee

Above: Typical change in sites of lesions in atopic dermatitis with age groups

Typical bindi leucoderma on central forehead

Note the depigmentation and white hairs


Rahul Ray said...

Thank u sir

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sir

Anonymous said...

Great help Sir.

dr.varma praveen said...

Thank u sir

Unknown said...

Thank you very much sir....
Is there itching in P.versicolor ?

Unknown said...

So brilliantly decoded Sir

hakim said...
