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Feb 11, 2015

Congenital syphilis-clinical features

Swelling of right elbow with restriction of movement- Pseudoparalysis of Parrot 
( Ref: Machiraju et al. Case Reports in Pediatrics Volume 2012)

Swelling of right knee with restriction of movement- Pseudoparalysis of Parrot
( Ref: Machiraju et al. Case Reports in Pediatrics Volume 2012)

Blisters on soles- Syphilitic pemphigus 
(Ref: Giulia Brighi et al. Case Reports in Infectious Diseases Volume 2011, Article ID 235059)
Mulberry like molars 

Early congenital syphilis
1) Hepatosplenomegaly
2) Triad of early congenital syphilis- Rash on palms/Soles + Snuffles + hepatosplenomegaly 

Mucocutaneous (in 30% to 60%)
  • Snuffles (thick or bloody nasal discharge)- Earliest and the most frequent cutaneous sign ocurring in three-fourth of all pts (MCQ)- 1st week of life
  • Blistering, crusting, desquamation on the palms/soles- Characteristic feature (MCQ)
  • Condyloma lata
Skeletal (in 70% to 80%)- Causes pain on movement- Hence, all movement is restricted (pseudoparalysis of Parrot)
  • Symmetrical long bone lesions (LL > UL)
  • Metaphyseal osteochondritis
  • Wimberger’s sign (demineralization and destruction of the proximal tibial metaphyses observed on X ray)   
  • Diaphyseal periostitis with periosteal new bone formation
  • Osteitis
  • Dactylitis of the metacarpals, metatarsals, proximal phalanges

  • Frequently asymptomatic
  • Acute leptomenigitis
  • Chronic meningo vascular syphilis

Late congenital syphilis

Hutchinson triad: Classical Triad of late congenital syphilis- Hutchinson teeth  + Sensorineural deafness + Interstitial keratitis

Dental (due to vasculitis of tooth buds)
  • Hutchinson’s tooth (widely-spaced, peg-shaped, notched upper incisors)
  • Hypoplastic enamel
  • Mulberry molars (a malformed first molar tooth- dwarfing of the cusps and hypertrophy of the enamel surrounding the cusp with masses of globules, giving it the appearance of a mulberry)
  • Hard palate perforation
  • Sensorineural hearing loss due to osteochondritis of otic capsule and cochlear degeneration
  • Interstitial keratitis     

  • Rhagades (deep fissuring of mucocutaneous junctions in the nares, lips and anus)  (MCQ)
  • Frontal bossing, square cranium (skull bone periostitis)
  • Short maxilla, high palatal arch and saddle nose deformity (syphilitic nasal chondritis)
  • Saber shins (anterior tibial bowing) (MCQ)
  • Higoumenaki’s sign (sternoclavicular thickening) (MCQ)
  • Clutton’s joints (painless, symmetric hydrarthrosis of the knees and elbows)



1 comment:

vishranka said...

what is the criteria for early and late congenital syphilis sir?