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Feb 16, 2015

Quick revision table- Treatment for Psoriasis

Treatment ladder for psoriasis

Treatment chart for psoriasis

If < 10% Body surface involved
If > 10% Body surface involved
1) Steroids

Often first-line therapy in Mild to moderate psoriasis.

2) Calcipotriol (Drug of choice)-MCQ

3) Coal Tar
Goeckerman regimen- MCQ
typically involves receiving ultraviolet (UV) light treatment and applying a prescription coal tar mixture to the psoriasis. The coal tar mixture usually remains on the skin for several hours)

4) Anthralin
Ingram regimen MCQ
-Ingram regimen involves a similar process. Instead of coal tar, a psoriasis medicine called anthralin (which comes from coal tar) is applied to the skin. After receiving a UVB or UVA light treatment, the anthralin is applied. Sometimes, the body is wrapped in a plastic dressing. The anthralin usually remains on the skin for 2 to 4 hours.

5) Tacrolimus
Specially for Flexural and facial psoriasis

6) Tazarotene- Not used much due to irritation
1) Methotrexate (MTX)

MTX is administered weekly, usually as a single oral dose
 a) DOC for Erythrodermic psoriasis- MCQ

 b) DOC  for psoriatic arthritis- MCQ

 c) 2nd choice drug for Pustular psoriasis

Side effects: Hepatotoxic, Bone marrow suppression, Nausea

2) Acitretin

a) DOC for Pustular psoriasis- MCQ
b) 2nd line choice for Erythrodermic psoriasis

Side effects: Dyslipidemia, Liver abnormalities- This was recently asked in JIPMER

3) Cyclosporine (calcineurin inhibitor)

3 mg/kg/day- MCQ
DOC for severe erythrodermic psoriasis (Fastest drug to act)- MCQ
Very useful for Impetigo herpetiformis

Side effects: nephrotoxic

4) Systemic Steroids

-DOC for Impetigo herpetiformis in India- Commonest question asked in psoriasis chapter (other drugs for impetigo herpetiformis are cyclosporine and biologics)

- Also the DOC for psoriatic erythroderma in pregnancy

6) Biologics
·         Useful for severe psoriasis not responding to conventional medications
·         Also for arthritis mutilans

 a. Etanercept
Target: TNF-α
Molecule: Human fusion protein
- DOC for arthritis mutilans- MCQ

 b. Infliximab
Target: TNF-α
Molecule: Chimeric antibody

c. Adalimumab
Target: TNF-α
Molecule: Human antibody

d. Ustekinumab - MCQ
Target: IL-12/23
Molecule: Human antibody

6) Fumaric acid
· PUVA (Psoralens+ UVA)
· UVB (both narrow band and broad band UVB)

PUVA had the highest percentage of patients with clearance (70%), followed by UVB (67.9%)

Usually phototherapy is offered first to patients of psoriasis (> 10% body surface area). If not possible or contraindicated, other systemic medicines like acitretin, cyclosporine, MTX  are offered.


DS said...

Sir kindly post about treatment of Vitiligo also.

Anonymous said...

Sir, DOC for psoriasis >10% body involveent will be PUVA?

Unknown said...

Excellent chart sir....!