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Feb 24, 2015

Guttate psoriasis-photofeature

A child presents with few small erythematous papules with minimal scaling on trunk and arms. His parents report a recent sorethroat. What is the likely diagnosis?

Answer: Guttate Psoriasis



  • It is derived from the Latin word gutta, meaning drop (Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis in which there are small, separated teardrops like lesions)
  • The role of infection (tonsillar Streptococcus pyogenes infection) in precipitating guttate psoriasis is well known.  Infection often precedes the eruption by 2-3 weeks.

Clinical feature

  • It is particularly common in children
  • Common sites are the arms, legs, and torso.
  • Acute onset of small, 1-10 mm diameter, droplike, erythematous papules, usually with a fine scale (generally the classical silvery scale is not easily seen)

How does streptococcus cause Guttate psoriasis ?

  • Still under debate. 
  • It has been suggested that streptococcal M protein may be similar to keratin in skin and hence leads to a molecular mimicry immunological response towards keratinocytes instead of the original streptococcus. This cross- reactivity between streptococcal antigens and keratinocyte components could explain the initiation of a disease process. 


  • There is no firm consensus on specific treatment algorithms
  • Antibiotics to eradicate streptococcus are often started. Eg: ß -lactum antibiotics, Erythromycin,rifampicin etc


  • Episodes may recur, especially those due to pharyngeal carriage of streptococci
  • Generally, the disease is self-limiting, but a certain percentage of cases progress to chronic plaque psoriasis.

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